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Changing Your Job in 2024 ? Top 5 Essential Steps to Take Before That

Are you contemplating a job change in 2024? It’s a significant decision that requires careful planning and preparation. Whether you’re a recent graduate entering the workforce or an experienced professional seeking a change, these five essential steps will guide you toward a successful career transition.

1. Self-Reflection: Understanding Your “Why?”

Before diving into job listings, take a moment to understand your motivations. Ask yourself:

  • What aspects of my current job do I enjoy, and what do I want to change?

    Example: “I enjoy collaborating with my team but feel my creative skills are underutilised in my current role as an administrative assistant.”
  • What are my core values and interests?

    Example: “I’ve always been passionate about health and wellness, suggesting a natural fit in healthcare administration.”
  • How do my skills align with my career aspirations?

    Example: “My attention to detail and love for problem-solving are ideal for a course in accounting or bookkeeping.”

Reflecting on these questions helps clarify your career goals and ensures your next move aligns with your personal and professional aspirations.

2. Market Research: Identifying Opportunities

The job market is constantly evolving, especially in today’s digital age. Research industries and roles that align with your skills and interests. Consider factors like job demand, growth potential, and required qualifications.

Utilise resources like Industry reports, Online forums, and Networking events to gain insights into various career paths.

3. Experience First-Hand: Test the Waters

Before making a leap, try out your desired career path through:

  • Internships or Part-Time Roles: Gain practical experience and understand the day-to-day realities of the job.
  • Volunteering: Offers a risk-free way to develop skills and network within your chosen field.
  • Job Shadowing: Observe professionals in action to get a real sense of the work environment and responsibilities.

4. Resume and Online Presence: Your Professional Persona

Your resume and LinkedIn profile are your first impressions to potential employers. Update them to reflect your new career direction:

  • Highlight transferable skills and relevant experiences.

    Example: If you’re transitioning from an administrative role to a career in professional bookkeeping, a course offering from The Career Academy NZ, your resume should highlight your experience with financial processes, data entry, and attention to detail. You could include achievements such as, “Efficiently managed financial record-keeping for a small business, leading to a 20% reduction in accounting discrepancies.”
  • Tailor your resume for each application to match the job description.

    Example: Applying for a bookkeeping role after a career in retail? Modify your resume to emphasize skills like financial record-keeping, attention to detail, and experience with point-of-sale systems. For instance, include bullet points like “Managed daily sales reconciliation with 100% accuracy.”
  • Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete, professional, and engaging

    Example: For a move into digital marketing, your LinkedIn profile should reflect relevant coursework, certifications (like a Google Analytics certification), Upskilling certification ( like a Certificate in digital marketing), and any freelance projects. A compelling summary could read, “Aspiring digital marketer combining recent certification in SEO and SEM with a strong background in sales and customer engagement.”

5. Strategic Job Search: Navigating the Market

Finally, approach your job search strategically:

  • Use both general and niche job boards to find opportunities tailored to your new career.

    Example: If you’re moving into the health and wellness field, use general job boards like Indeed for a broad search, and niche boards like HealthJobsNZ for industry-specific listings. Tailor your search terms to match your new qualifications and desired role.
  • Network actively, both online and in-person, to uncover hidden job opportunities.

    Example: Join LinkedIn groups related to your new field, such as “New Zealand IT Professionals.” Attend local meetups or conferences related to your target industry. Engage in discussions, share your insights, and connect with members who can offer advice or job leads.
  • Prepare thoroughly for interviews, focusing on how your background makes you a unique fit for the role.

    Example: For an interview in project management, prepare to discuss how your previous experience in event planning provided you with a strong foundation in managing timelines, coordinating teams, and problem-solving under pressure. Use specific examples, like organising a large-scale community event, to demonstrate relevant skills.

    Learn more about how to get interview ready in 5 easy steps

In Conclusion

Changing careers is a journey of self-discovery, learning, and growth. By following these steps, you’re setting yourself up for a successful transition into a fulfilling new career. Remember, it’s about finding a path that aligns with your passions, skills, and life goals. At The Career Academy NZ, we’re here to support you every step of the way in your career journey.

Need Personalised Advice for Your Career Change?

Embarking on a new career path can be exciting but also daunting. If you find yourself seeking more tailored advice after reading these steps, we’re here to help.

Contact one of our expert career advisors for a free consultation (Call 0800 342 829) and start your 2024 career journey with confidence!

Our advisors are equipped with the knowledge and experience to guide you through every aspect of your career transition, ensuring you make informed decisions that align with your personal and professional aspirations.





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